“The past 2 years have taken an enormous toll on healthcare workers, and overwhelmingly, the response was clear: 99% of healthcare delivery organizations are experiencing staffing challenges today.
To maintain the workforce and ensure continued high-quality care, many organizations have committed to both short- and long-term financial incentives, however, ever-rising salary levels and increased agency budgets are not financially sustainable. Those organizations that take care to balance short-term solutions with long-term support programs and investments will be more successful in building a sustainable, supportive culture for their teams, patients, and community.”
Read the full article.
Damsky, Pam et al. (2022, May 16). Reviving Workforce Resilience: 2022 Healthcare Workforce Survey. The Chartis Group. https://www.chartis.com/insights/reviving-workforce-resilience-2022-healthcare-workforce-survey