“Skills-based hiring is gaining momentum as a strategy to open up hiring processes. This is driven by a laudable goal: to create more economic opportunities for Americans without college degrees, who represent roughly two-thirds of the population over age 25. States, in particular, are taking the lead in these “skills-first” hiring practices, and much of the early focus has been on removing degree requirements—again, a welcome development given that degrees are overused as a proxy for skills. So far, more than 20 governors have committed to eliminating degree requirements for public sector jobs. ”
Read the full article.
Goger, Annelies. (2025, January 7). There’s more to skills-based hiring than just removing degree requirements. The Brookings Institution. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/theres-more-to-skills-based-hiring-than-just-removing-degree-requirements/